Attention Ladies – A little pee tip for the hiking trip! If you make hiking your habit, at some point you WILL run in to that moment when…well, you gotta pee. It’s natural of course, and necessary, especially if you are hydrating the way you should while hiking (and that is super important, but that tip is for another time). When that awkward moment comes though, it doesn’t have to be any big deal if you come prepared.
So, here’s the deal – when you are putting together your pack, grab a small ziplock baggie and put a few pieces of toilet paper in it. When it’s time to “do your business” on trail, tell your hiking partner to go ahead of you a bit to be your “lookout,” and find a nice sturdy tree you can lean against. Make sure you find one with smooth bark though, as some trees have bark that can be a bit harsh on your backside! Squat and lean against the tree, let it flow, and when you are finished use your ziplock baggie supplies to wipe. Be sure to return your used pee rag to the ziplock bag when finished, smoosh the air out of it while zipping it shut, and put it back in your pack to dispose of later. Please don’t leave it on the trail, because that is no fair to the wildlife around you, and actually kinda nasty.
See, easy peasy if you are prepared! Believe it or not, this is actually just one more way for you to connect with your partner, because peeing on trail is something THEY have no problem doing, and now you don’t either!