Northshore Hiking Trail – Rockledge Park to Murrell Park

Trail: Northshore Trail – Rockledge Park to Murrell Park
Last hiked March 20, 2022
Trail Type: Hiking & Biking
Distance We Hiked in March 2022: 9.23 miles
Amount of Time it Took Us: 3 hrs., 31 min.
Our Elevation Gain: 411 ft.
Park Rating: moderately challenging
Mike & Elaine’s Rating: moderate
Our Notes:
We have section-hiked a portion of the Northshore Trail before beginning at the Murrell Park MADD shelter and heading to Twin Coves Park, which is the western portion of Lake Grapevine. This time, however, we chose to try out the trail at the eastern section of Lake Grapevine which begins at Rockledge Park and heads to Murrell Park. Note that there is a $10 fee to enter Rockledge Park, and there is limited parking at the trailhead area. However, there are other places to park a short distance away. There is also a restroom facility right at the trailhead. Be aware that this is a very heavily trafficked bike trail, so be prepared to step out of the way often.

Loop 4, the beginning portion of the trail from this end, is absolutely incredible. It begins right at the lake and the first mile or so out covers huge cliffs and boulders that have fallen away to the shoreline. There is also easy access from the trail right up to the water, where you’ll see lots of people picnicking and fishing or out walking their dogs. It is obvious right away why they call this area Rockledge Park! The layers of the rock in this area are stunning and beautiful. The trail through this area hugs the cliff-line, and it’s just fascinating to see what erosion and weathering have done here. One of the negatives, though, is the large number of people who flock to this area, but we can totally understand why they come. What a cool place!
Once you get past the shoreline area, you do start to head into a more heavily wooded portion of the trail, however you are also passing a very nice high-end neighborhood to your right. We found it very interesting to see some of the houses and buildings here. You do make your way past this eventually, and at about mile 1.5 you encounter a small forest of bamboo. That took us by surprise! We had seen bamboo at the other end of the Northshore Trail in the Loop 5 area, but thought it was just a fluke. Evidently not.

Once you make your way further in, you will cross a road and head into Loop 3. You are further away from the lake on Loop 3, so you really do not have any views of the lake in this area, but we also found that there were less people here as well, other than the occasional biker who came through. Keep heading through the forest here and you will eventually cross yet another road, this time passing into Loop 2, which is the last loop that will take you directly to the entrance of Murrell Park. Here you get a bit closer to the lake so you have some views from time to time, while also enjoying the forest as well. There were more bikers in this area, probably because there is a parking area and trailhead access where you cross the road into this portion of the trail.
You will know you have made it to the end of Loop 2 when you come out onto a road and see the entrance building to Murrell Park on your right. A short distance to your left is a parking area, but right before that is the entrance back into Loop 2 that leads you back toward Rockledge Park. Loops 2, 3, and 4 back to Rockledge hug closer to the lake so you will see more of it on your return trip. There are some great spots that have high cliff views over the lake that are spectacular photo opportunities! There are also some bottomland areas where we had the opportunity to see a beautiful hawk and other birds. We recommend you bring your binoculars!

Overall, this was a great hike and was indeed a moderate push at times over large rocks and increasing elevation. The trails are pretty well marked, but at times there are side trails to take and it can be a bit confusing to know which one is the main trail to stay on. We generally just stayed to the right at most times or stayed on the widest path. Again, there are a lot of bikers out there, so it isn’t necessarily going to be a peaceful hike, but the trails here definitely have something special to offer.
Links to trail below:
Keep reading below for the Murrell Park to Twin Coves trail
Northshore Hiking Trail – Murrell Park to Twin Coves

Trail: Northshore Trail – Murrell Park to Twin Coves
Last hiked November 28, 2021
Trail Type: Hike and Bike
Distance We Hiked: 7.07 miles
Amount of Time it Took Us: 2 h 54 m
Our Elevation Gain: 300 ft
Park Rating: moderate
Mike & Elaine’s Rating: moderate/difficult
Our Notes:
This is one of our favorite go-to trails when we want to enjoy nature but not travel too far. We always begin this trail at the northern end at the MADD shelter trailhead and head to Twin Coves Park where we find a picnic table and have lunch, then head back. The entire trail is 18 miles one way and is open to bikers as well, so be on the lookout for that. There are a few port-o-lets at the trailhead to take care of business before you head out.
There is plenty of parking at the MADD shelter trailhead. This trail offers so much in the way of diversity and beauty. At one point you will hike through a grove of bamboo and the next thing you know you are in bottomland and then you’ve made your way up and into a heavily treed grove. There are many places to see the lake along the way with overlooks and options to go right down to the shore. Birds are abundant and on this particular day we were rewarded with a blue heron sighting. The trail does wind next to neighborhoods and houses in places, but we don’t find that overly intrusive because the beauty of the trail still makes you feel you are miles away from civilization.
The trail is rated moderate and we agree. There are many opportunities for elevation changes and you do have to watch your footing and the sharp curves that sometimes hide a biker coming around the corner. Most bikers are very respectful and give you fair warning. Check out our blog post “Biker Back.” It will give you a little flavor for this trail when it is busy with bikers. This trail will not disappoint!
Links to trail below: