Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area (LLELA)
Trails: Cottonwood, Cicada, Redbud

Last hiked November 14, 2021
Trail Type: Hiking
Distance We Hiked: 5.04 miles
Amount of Time it Took Us: 2 h
Our Elevation Gain: 66 ft
Park Rating: easy
Mike & Elaine’s Rating: easy
Our Notes:
We have been to the LLELA trails many times over the years, but on this particular excursion, we stuck to the Cottonwood, Cicada and Redbud Trails due to flooding caused by beavers on the Bittern Marsh Trail, which is closed at this time. We do hope they come up with a plan to help maintain that trail, as it offers hikers and nature lovers a wonderful look at birds and wildlife at several bird blinds on the pond. It also has wonderful views of the river, which is also great for fishing.
We parked at the third parking area upon entering the park, which has covered picnic tables and several port-o-lets. We stepped onto the Cottonwood trail and took the loop around to the right. You have the option of sliding off the trail for a view of an 1870s log home and other outbuildings. This is a great place to bring kids so they can see what life was like during the pioneer days. This trail is pretty wide, flat and easy to follow. It passes through wooded areas and prairies, as well as skirts past a beaver pond. It is about 1.3 miles total. As we made our way around the loop, we took the first entrance onto the Cicada trail, which is a bit narrower and more like your typical hiking trail. It passes through a beautiful hardwood forest. The leaves here were beautiful bright colors of red, yellow, and orange. This is a one-way trail and very easy, measuring only .3 miles in distance. Once we made it back to the trailhead at the parking lot, you have the option to hop on the Redbud Trail on the east side of the parking area. We took this all the way to the river. This trail is wide, flat, and easy to follow, but the scenery does not disappoint. It travels through grasslands and scattered woods and has beautiful views of the Elm Fork. This trail is about 1.4 miles one way from end to end. We looped around and came back to the parking lot.

The Blackjack Trail is also nice to try if you have additional time. Simply drive back to the first parking area for the trailhead to this one. If you take the entire loop back to the parking lot, you can complete 1.5 miles, or you can take an extension trail that leads to the paddling trail. Mike and I have done the paddling trail before and it is worth it!
These trails are all considered easy, and we agree. This is a great hike to take if you just want to get out and commune with nature. There are deer tracks everywhere and plenty of birds and turtles to see. We have never seen this park overly crowded and you definitely get your quiet time out there. Highly recommended!
Link to trail below: